Tuesday, August 28, 2012

LID!!!!!! .....And a little thing called Hurricane Isaac...

Jeremy and I found out yesterday morning that we have LID. Our LID is 8/16/12. Yay!!!!! What a way to start our day!! (Just so you know, adoption has a language of its own.) We were DTC 7/27/12. And I was beginning to think that we would NEVER be LID. It was frustrating at times to see others that were DTC after us receiving their LID before us. I tell ya....this adoption is teaching me patience.

So let me give you a little bit of background. DTC is Dossier To China. Our adoption agency sent our dossier on 7/27/12. You have to receive LID to be able to be matched with a child. LID is Log In Date. There is a Shared List(a list of children eligible for adoption) that comes out once a month, toward the end of the month. Once you have LID, you are able to be matched with one of the children from that list. We found out Monday morning that we had LID. The shared list was coming out Monday night. Well, from what we heard, the list was quite small. So, we were not matched this time. Maybe next month!

Oh, and if you haven't heard, there is a hurricane hitting us RIGHT NOW!!! Good ol' Hurricane Isaac! We have actually had some pretty days lately. I guess it was the calm before the storm. The boys played outside some this morning. They have way too much energy to stay in this house all day long! I had to go outside a few times just to defrost! It is freezing in this house! I wanted to keep it cold so when the lights go out, we wouldn't be too hot.

I bought plenty of junk food to get us through this storm :) But, I'm really not sure how much of it is left. We have all been eating way too much junk! But what else is there to do?! Walk outside and check the weather.....come back inside and eat some food! (I did steal some spaghetti from the neighbors tonight! It was GOOOOD!!!!) Everytime I was on facebook today, I had to read what someone was cooking. Why didn't I buy some "real" food to cook?! What was I thinking???? I definitely need to plan better next time.

Well, I am hoping for an uneventful night. And I am thankful that the electricity is still on. Hopefully it stays that way for awhile. For now, I must get these children to bed!!!! Stay safe my friends!!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Everyone else is doing it....

Well, I guess it is about time that I start writing a blog....since everyone else is doing it! :)

Here is little info about my family:
Jeremy and I have been married for 11 years. I am a stay at home mom. We have three handsome boys. Ethan is nine and in the 4th grade. He loves school! He is definitely an outside kid and he would play every sport if I let him. Although his favorites are baseball, soccer and basketball. Bradley is seven and in the 2nd grade. He loves art! He take lessons every week and really enjoys it. He tried sports, but to be honest, he could care less about it! :) Carter is three (he will be 4 next month) and he will be going to a Mother's Day Out program this year. I registered him for Pre-K earlier this year at the school where the other two boys are, but then decided over the summer that I am just NOT ready for him to go to school all day. I like my baby being home with me! So, he will go to preschool three days a week, and then spend the rest of the time with ME! :) So what can I say about Carter....he is a typical three year old. He LOVES monster trucks....oh, and did I mention...HE LOVES MONSTER TRUCKS!!!! And in August of last year, Jeremy and I decided that we wanted to adopt a little girl from China. So we are a little over halfway into that process---I will share this story another day...I promise! But for now, housework, laundry, running errands, etc. are all calling my name.

I do have to say, I am pretty excited about this whole blog thing! I hope you enjoy reading it and learning about my wonderful family. I will be updating with everyday life in our house, and our adoption journey. I would love for you to join me!

So, do me a favor! Go on over to the side and become a follower! Thanks a bunch!!