Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Yep! We are still alive!!! ;)

Ok, so here's the thing.....I thought blogging would be so cool! You know, a great way for family to see what's going on with us. For me to be able to look back and reminisce about things. Yeah, well guess what?! Life is so busy!! We are always on the go! But I wouldn't change it for anything!!
Ok, so what have we been up to? Let's see! The last thing I wrote about was Carter's first day of preschool. I'll keep this short (maybe, maybe not) and simple for now since the older two will be walking in the door from school soon.
Carter is FOUR!!!!!!
Yes, my baby is four years old! Where has the time gone? He had the best birthday party EVER!! What four year old wouldn't enjoy a party at a gym?!

And how can you have a party without a monster truck cake?!
He even sang Happy Birthday to himself. It was the cutest thing!
So, what kind of presents do you think this little boy wanted?
I absolutely love the expression on his face when he opened this present. He had his eye on this at Target for a few months.

Ok, so what else have we been doing?
Yep, that's right! I'm a soccer mom! And I LOVE it!!
Carter played soccer this year for the first time. He enjoyed it so much!
Um, who's crazy kid is that in the background? ;)

I do have to say, Carter is quite the little soccer player.

And of course, I can't forget about Ethan. Soccer is perfect for this kid. Want to know why? Because my child is a born runner! He LOVES to run!
(he definitely does NOT get that from me)
He's got skills, I tell ya!! ;)

I truly love watching those two boys play soccer. I am sad that the season is over.
Ok, so what else has been going on? We brought the boys on their first camping trip a few weekends ago. We had so much fun! I will write a post on that another day. Because I have a lot of pictures for that one!
Ethan is in 4H this year at school. He participated in a pumpkin contest the week of Halloween. His pumpkin won 2nd place!
I mean, seriously, how cute is this kid?!
Happy Halloween!!
Scary, right??
Bradley is a zombie sock monkey. Ethan is an unknown phantom. His costume was pretty cool because the eyes would light up and then fade to darkness. Carter is a vampire but insisted on wearing that mask. He's four...what more can I say?

I would have to say that Bradley's costume was a hit with the neighborhood. So many people made comments about the cool sock monkey. But by the end of the night, Bradley was not happy. He was a ZOMBIE sock monkey people!!!
And last, by certainly not least, I would love to introduce our newest family member!
Aubrey Fitzgerald
She is definitely the most beautiful little girl I have ever laid eyes on.

I can't wait to see this little girl smile!
(I'll tell more about her later)
Ok, I will NOT wait an eternity to write again! :)
Hope you all have a wonderful day!