Saturday, January 19, 2013

What's Next???

Life has been quite interesting lately.

About two weeks ago, Jeremy decided he would like to look at recliners. The one he has now is old. And it leans to one side. One of the kids drew on it with an ink pen a few years ago. I'm sure you get the picture...Well, he found one he liked. We didn't buy it. We wanted to go home and "think about it" before spending the money. Good thing! That night while I was washing dishes, I noticed the water wasn't hot. It was only luke warm. So what do you think happened?

Yep, you guessed it! A broken hot water heater!! :(  So instead of a nice and comfy recliner, we are the proud owners of a new hot water heater. Yay!

Another thing, we have a water drip from our bathtub faucet. Jeremy called a plumber Tuesday morning to see when he could come out to fix it. He said he would come Friday morning. Perfect!

Well, it was a good thing he was coming Friday morning. Thursday night we were having some plumbing issues. The toilet in the boys bathroom wasn't flushing. The water was about to overflow. Jeremy was headed to Lowe's to buy a plunger. (Yes, we do NOT own a plunger!) But right before he walked out he told me to check my bathroom. *sigh* There was water all over the floor in my bathroom. I'm not even sure what happened. But every time my toilet was flushed, water would rise in my bathtub and the boys' toilet would bubble. When we would turn on the water in the sinks, it would all back up. What a mess!

So around 9:30 that night we packed up and headed to Mimi and PawPaw's house. I am so thankful we have them!! And the boys were quite excited to sleep over there. They love their Mimi and PawPaw, but I think they might have been more excited about seeing the new puppy! Sshhhh!! Don't tell them I said that! ;)

I mean, really?! How cute is this puppy!!!

Friday morning the plumber showed up. He couldn't fix the leak in our bathtub. He will be back next week to fix that. Then we had to call another plumber to fix the other issues. Apparently the main line was backed up. They fixed it. YAY!!!!!!

And now we are on today. Today is my mom's 56th birthday. Happy Birthday, Mom!!! The boys and I were meeting my mom for lunch at 11:00. On the way there, I apparently made a lady mad by how close I stopped behind her at a red light. Do you know what she did?! Put her car in reverse and acted like she was going to hit me?! Some people!!!

And then the next red light, I was sitting patiently waiting for it to turn green. A girl hit me from behind. (It was so NOT my day today!) I truly did feel bad for the young girl. She told me she was reaching in the back seat and I guess her foot slipped off the brake. Do you know how many times I have done that? Especially when I was dealing with a cranky child! I really did feel bad for her, but now my bumper needs to be fixed.

To say I have had enough is an understatement!! I am done!! Please, no more!!

So, on a good note! Look what landed on my husband today!

The ladybug is a sign of good luck in China (also to those of us that have a special place in our hearts for China)
With that being said, we are getting closer and closer to getting to our baby girl! We received our I800 approval two weeks ago. This week we got our GUZ#, were cabled, and sent a PDF of our approval to our agency. So we should have Article 5 drop off Monday evening, our time (Tuesday morning, China time). Please don't ask me what all of this means. Because at this point, I really don't even know. I'm just going with the flow of things.
Honestly, I need to focus on getting things ready for her. I need to paint her and Carter's room. I need to wash her clothes, etc. So, so much to do!!
Here's to a happy and busy week!! :)

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