Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Day ?? in Nanchang!

When I woke up this morning, I didn't even know what day it was. Is it Tuesday...or is it Wednesday??? I had no clue. Then I figured it out. Wednesday. Today is Wednesday. So then what day is it at home? Tuesday evening. I was trying to figure it out so we could facetime with the boys. They were at Mimi and PawPaw's house for supper. It is so great to be able to talk to them two times a day. I don't know how I would be able to make it through these two weeks without talking to and seeing them. I miss them soooooo much!!!!

We did the usual....went downstairs for breakfast. Let me just say for all of you that don't know me that well. I am a VERY picky eater. VERY!! This week has been hard for me. I will be happy to never, I mean NEVER, eat a bowl of cereal again! *sigh* I am not adventurous when it comes to trying new foods. No thank you! ;)

Mary met us in the lobby at 9:00. I had told her earlier in the week that I would like to see a nearby village. So that's exactly where she took us today. The village wasn't too far from the city.

 An elderly lady let us walk into her home. This is her kitchen.
 And this is her living room.
 There is no electricity in the village homes and no running water.

It was quite interesting to see.
Next, we went to another park. This park was less crowded today than the park we visited yesterday. That's probably because it was quite cold and had rained earlier in the morning. And the wind was crazy! But we did get a few pictures.

 I loved these people! They were singing songs together. They had such a love for music. You could just tell. And there were quite curious about JuJu(Aubrey) and why we wanted to adopt her.

After the park, we walked to the Temple.

 Our guide, Mary, and her friend Wendy. They are both so sweet!

After the temple, Mary walked us to Pizza Hut. It was AWESOME!! Like I said, I am very picky! And this was no ordinary Pizza Hut.
Yes, that was a picture from Pizza Hut. After lunch we came back to the hotel for Aubrey's nap and some play time. Aubrey has started repeating some words we have been saying. She also brought her photo album to me. She can say Mama, Dada, Ethan, Bradley and Carter. Yay!!! :) It has been a great day! Only a few more and then we are off to Guangzhou!!


  1. I'll eat your food! That's one of the things we miss the MOST--all the awesome food. We're so spoiled for it that we rarely eat it out here. I have learned to cook quite a bit. This week I'm attempting zong zi.

    Love seeing your pics and following you. She's such a precious little girl! Enjoy your time.

  2. I too am a picky eater and had a really hard time -- lived off the peanut butter and wheat thins I bought. You will love Guangzhou-- after Nanchang it will feel like you are on a vacation. Looks like Aubrey is doing great -- enjoy the rest of your trip. You'll be home before you know it!!
