Saturday, March 9, 2013


Today was interesting.

Our day started at 4:00a.m. Yes, you heard that right! Four o'clock in the morning!! This time change is crazy! (Just to give you an is 7:00 Saturday evening here. At home it is 5:00 Saturday morning.) We have actually done okay with the time difference. But by the evening, like 5:30ish, it hits me. I am exhausted!! We went to bed last night around 6:30. I don't even think it was dark outside yet. My goal tonight is to stay awake until 7:30. I think I will be able to! :)

Jeremy and I had breakfast this morning in the hotel. We were sitting by a family from Amsterdam. They were so friendly. Today was their last day in Nanchang. They told us there were a few other families here also adopting. Two from Amsterdam, one from Canada, and another from the US. We haven't met any of them yet.

Our guide, Helen, met us in the lobby at 10 to take us out for some sightseeing. The sights, sounds, and smells are unlike anything I have ever experienced. I have to admit, after about an hour of walking around today, I was a bit overwhelmed. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it! It is just so different from home. I can only imagine how Aubrey is going to feel.

We spent the afternoon in the room relaxing. Because you know what.......GOTCHA DAY IS TOMORROW!!

Aubrey should be here around 4:00p.m. tomorrow afternoon, about 2:00a.m. your time. So say some prayers before you go to bed.

Also, say a prayer for my little CarCar. He was throwing up Friday :( I wish I could be there to hold, cuddle and kiss him. I miss all three of my boys so much. But it has been so wonderful to be able to Facetime with them everyday!

Next post will be pics of AUBREY!!! (Or Ju, as most of the family calls her)

Here are some pictures from our day.



  1. Love it! We miss China so much. Each time it is harder and harder for us to come home. Enjoy your time there, soak it up and let it become a part of your heart.

    I wake at 3 am for the first week there. That was my blog time.

    We look forward to seeing your next post with your new daughter!

  2. Just love following along! Best wishes for a wonderful gotcha day!
