Tuesday, March 12, 2013

People's Park

Let me just start by saying....thank you Melatonin for a good night's sleep. It was amazing!!!

Mary, our guide, took us to People's Park today. No words, pictures, or video will do this place justice. It was absolutely amazing!! I found myself very emotional today as we walked through the park. This is no ordinary park. We spent about two hours here. I could have stayed all day. I loved it! This park definitely showed the culture here. The people here really embrace life. So much dancing, singing, playing games, etc. It was truly amazing to experience. Definitely unlike anything you would see in the US.

We have lots of video, but I was having too much trouble loading it. I'll try again another time.

After People's Park, we went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things we needed. And then we ate Papa John's for lunch. Oh, it was awesome!! Jeremy and I were both so happy to have some good food. And Aubrey loved it!! Probably her first time having pizza.

We came back to the hotel for naptime. Aubrey was back to her happy, giggly self. It's so great to see her that way. But it does make me sad to see the way she is out in public. I know it will take some time. I'm just enjoying her little personality when she is with Jeremy and me. She is such a litte chatterbox!

More sightseeing tomorrow! :)